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About me!

Hello! My name is Felix, 24 years old, and I'm a game developer student from Sweden! Born and raised in Stockholm (well actually a bit outside of Stockholm, but basically Stockholm! ) I've been studying game development in Boden (up in the north of Sweden)  since August 2017. I've learned quite a bit in a short time, though I'm still on a really basic level of skills.

Indiespelsutveckling! This is the course I've been doing since August 2017. Mostly been working in Unity game engine, but also other programms such as Adobe Photoshop and Maya ( I'm quite terrible at those last two, but hey I'm trying to focus on programming!)

In Unity I've been mostly programming and this is what I want to focus on mainly in the future. LOVE programming alot! I'm still at a very basic level, but want to learn more and more! Im excited what the future holds for me!

About me!: About
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